St James's Campus Mobility Plan
The management and planning for all traffic in and out of the St James's campus including the NCH is the responbility of the board of St James's Hospital. For a number of years the hospital has in place a mobility manager to oversee the development and deployment of a mobility plan for the campus.
The application for planning for the New Children's Hospital in the Enviormental Impact Statement outlined is great detail the impact of the new hospital for the building and operational stages.
As part of the planning approval for the construction of the NCP a mobility plan was a key task with a number of details including the steering committee to expand to include representative of Dublin City Council and the National Transport Authority, to review regulalry the implementation of the mobility plan and to include developments in the external enviorment that might imact on the mobility plan.
The Mobility Plan was part of the 2016 successful application for planning permission.
The Resitents Monitoring Committee are seeking an update of the original St James's Campus Mobility Plan with particular reference to targets set in the original plan including staff travel patterns, car parking requirments and external local traffic movement such as the cycles ways and planned Bus Connect on MountBrown.
According to the CSO (2016) the 5 EDs that surround the St James’s Campus comprise a population of almost 15000 living in over 6000 homes .
2/3 of all journeys are completed by “Sustainable Means” namely walking, bike or public transport.
- Almost half of all journeys take under 30 minutes.
- 44% of houses have no cars
The James’s Campus is one of the elements that is shifting that balance considerably by bringing more people (staff, patients, visitors) many of them (?) using cars while at the same time reducing car parking capacity on site. The adjacent streets have absorbed a significant amount of the dislocated staff parking, and this will continue into the future without appropriate intervention.
“The provision of additional services on the St James’s Hospital campus will attract increased trips (staff and patients) to the hospital campus and the following describes the car parking strategy for the campus to align with the overall Transport Strategy for the St James’s Hospital campus.
The quantum of parking provided on campus will be capped at approximately 2,000 spaces, serving both staff and visitor/patient parking needs. The majority of the parking spaces will be provided for visitors/patients to the hospital campus, with staff access to the campus provided mainly via alternative modes (public transport, cycling, walking), which will be actively promoted through the St James’s Hospital Campus Smarter Travel Programme. “EISBased on current targets at least 2000 staff will travel to the campus by car.
Staff and staff using private cars to get to working in St James
Staff Cars Survey
Current Baseline
Target James Mobility Plan/DCC2019
Target DCC Development Plan 2028
St James's (part)
N Maternity H
- St James Staff Part (excludes Trinity, Blood transfusion and Private Clinic)
- NCH figures are projected car usage
- Base Survey based on finding of 57% of staff used cars
- Current baseline based on 54% of staff using cars
- Target based on Mobility Plan Target of 27%
- Target DCC Dev plan 17%
James's Mobility Plan Workshop March 2022 update Powerpoint
Background papers and links
- EIS Traffic Management Plan Here
- An Bord Pleanala Inspectors report Here
- Summary of above documents and links Here
- New Dublin City Development Plan Here
- Previous Dublin City Development Plan Here
- BusConnects Liffey Valley through Mount Brown and James's St Here
- Car ownership and travel patterns in EDs adjacent to James's Campus CSO Here