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Pedestrians and Cyclists | ||
Parking Rialto Street James's Walk | Proposed BUS Corridor Mount Brown |
St James's Campus Mobility Plan
Traffic movement and parking is one of the issues that will have a long term impacts on the entire community.
In chapter 6 of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) the transport strategy and resulting impact appraisal for the National Pediatric Hospital Project is detailed . Download EIS Ch6 Transport Here
Existing traffic through the three peak times (Morning, Mid Afternoon and Evening) is detailed in the table below.
During the construction phase and commencing in July 2017 approximately 280 HGV journeys will added to the traffic from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily with 70% exiting from the Rialto gate onto the SCR and turning right at Suir Road and onto Davitt Road passing over the Luas Red Line track at Suir Bridge. 30% of vehicles will exit left from the Mountbrown entrance and will . This additional Traffic will increase to 360 HGV journeys during Phase 2 of the build.
The construction works will generate traffic from the following activities;
- The demolition of existing buildings
- The excavation of material off site
- The delivery of concrete on-site.
- Deliveries of reinforcement & form work and other building materials such as drainage materials, etc. to site; and
- Construction management (taxis, shuttle buses, visitors, etc...)
Phase 1
Excavation of Material
The construction works include the construction of a two-storey basement and it is envisaged that during the first phase of the construction work that between 70 and 80 loads of material per day, based on a combination of rigid trucks (capacity 9m3) and articulated trucks (capacity 12.5m3), will be removed from site.
Concrete Deliveries
In tandem with the removal of excavated material, works to the secant pile wall to the perimeter of the basement will be constructed. It is envisaged that in the region of 5-10 piles will be placed each day and it is envisaged that approximately 20 deliveries of concrete, based on a rigid truck with a capacity of 8-9 m3, will be delivered on site per day to facilitate their construction.
Other Deliveries
During the first phase of the construction project there will be a number of activities on-going on site including the erection of hoarding, preparation work to divert the Drimnagh sewer, the construction of a new service duct and other underground services, the construction of a temporary roadway, etc... In addition, some service vehicles will need to access the site to maintain the existing equipment on site. It is envisaged that at peak periods the above activities will generate between 30 and 40 deliveries during the day
Construction Management
As noted previously no parking on site is proposed for construction staff. However, staff activity will generate some traffic movements at the construction site related to taxi arrivals, staff drop-off, possible shuttle bus movements etc..., and it is envisaged that during the first phase of the project that up to 100 vehicles a day will be generated by construction staff at the construction site.
The projected distribution of construction traffic during Phase 1 of the construction project based on 30% of traffic using the Mount Brown entrance and 70% using the Rialto entrance
Phase 2
Excavation of Material
The majority of the excavation works will be carried out during Phase 2 of the construction project and it is estimated that at peak times between 140 and 160 loads of material, based on a combination of rigid trucks (capacity 9m3) and articulated trucks (capacity 12.5m3), will be removed from site per day.
Concrete Deliveries
The foundation structure and associated floor slabs will be constructed in tandem with the excavation works. Typical concrete pours will generate approximately 70-80 concrete deliveries, based on a rigid truck with a capacity of 8-9 m3, over a typical day. On occasion, larger scale concrete pours will be required. Such large scale concrete pours will be carried out with prior agreement with the Local Authority, Garda and Local Community Stakeholders and will result in longer working hours, on such days accommodating in the region of 150 concrete truck deliveries per day.
Other Deliveries
During the second phase of the construction project there will be a number of activities on-going on site including the completion of the service duct and it’s fitting out, the construction of the external service yard and its associated services, the completion of the works to divert the Drimnagh sewer, etc…. In addition, as with Phase 1 some service vehicles will need to access the site to maintain the existing equipment on site. It is envisaged that at peak periods that the above activities will generate approximately 20 deliveries during the day
Below a more recent Traffic Flow image to take account of opening of Mountbrown entrance (September 2018)
There is no parking on site for construction staff or sub-contractors. SJH parking spaces for staff have already being reduced from XXX to XXX and this has impacted on off street parking in the area.
Update to Traffic Management Plan
Appendix current Construction Operational Plan Appendix H Traffic Management Plan. Essentially the plans for the access and internal layout of roads during the construction phases 1a and 1b Here
Parking ( The following is an extract from the EIS Traffic )
Extend the On-Street Controlled Disc Parking Area. It is recognised that the proposed Transport Strategy, which limits car parking provision within the St James’s Hospital campus, has the potential to increase parking demand on neighbouring roads and streets. This impact has also been highlighted via consultation meetings with resident groups in the vicinity of the St James’s Hospital campus. To ensure parking restrictions within the St James’s Hospital campus do not impact negatively on residential parking in the vicinity of the hospital, it is recommended to extend the pay parking zone in the immediate vicinity of the St James’s Hospital campus.
In addition, to the extension of the pay parking zone it is recommended to raise the cost of parking on the surrounding streets from the current rate of €1.00 per hour and investigate the possibility of introducing extended hours of operation. An audit has been carried out on the surrounding street network, and the following streets (Ref Figure 6.57) have been identified which would benefit from the extension of the pay parking zone.
The St James’s Hospital Campus Smarter Travel Programme will work with, and support local communities who wish to see the extension of the on-street controlled pay parking area.
o Cameron Square |
o St James’s Walk |
o Carrick Terrace |
Getting a parking Permit Scheme in place locally check details HERE
Contact: Christopher Carroll, Administrative Officer, Parking Policy & Enforcement Tel: 222 2501
Update on Pay and Display
Change is application process for Pay and Display
Below are Questions and Motions by Councillors at DCC South Central area committee where the Pay and Display Application Process was altered to speed up the process'.
Councillor Rebecca Moynihan To ask the Area Manager to arrange an urgent meeting of TAG to discuss specific traffic issues in relation to two areas of Dublin 8 which are experiencing significant development. The meeting would include Area Councillors, Area Office and Traffic Engineers along with residents with a view to expediting and simplifying the permit parking plebiscite for individual roads in the Rialto, Kilmainham area and the Tenters area.
It is Dublin City Council’s understanding that the Mobility Manager in St. James’s Hospital has held various meetings with the residents of the area advising them of the issues relating to parking and the procedures regarding seeking residential parking schemes and further meetings and information sessions were arranged following the appointment of a contractor for the enabling works. Members of the Mobility Management Plan steering group continue to meet with Residents at public meetings to work closely with them to address their concerns.
Dublin City Council can proceed with the preparation of a Pay and Display and Permit Parking Scheme and subsequent ballot of residents where there is a demonstrable and clear desire in favour of a Scheme. This may take the form of a number of written requests or a signed petition from the residents of the roads concerned (ideally at least 25% of residents).
Conscious of the developments in the area, the Parking Enforcement Section is advising that where an application for a scheme on a particular street in the area is received, adjoining streets be informed to allow them the opportunity to apply at the same time, rather than suffer the issues that arise from displacement of parking when a new scheme is introduced. Parking Enforcement will fast-track all such applications subject to the statutory consultation time restraints.
SOUTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 13th December 2017 Proposals from Councillor Rebecca MoynihanThis Area Committee agrees that the following roads in the environs of the National Childrens Hospital works, be balloted for pay and display parking in light of the increased difficulties with all day parking by non residents in the area: Cameron Square New Ireland Road Upper Cross Road Portmahon Road Herberton Road Herberton Park Rialto Street Rialto Cottages Haroldville Road Malin Avenue Clarke’s Terrace
This Area Committee agrees to ask that the section of St. James Walk along the Luas line (from Rialto stop to Fatima stop when the road widens), have double yellow lines installed, as two cars can’t pass each other here and is likely to cause an accident.
The motion of the 13th Dec was passed and traffic will be moving to do a plebiscite in the following locations
- Cameron Square
New Ireland Road Upper Cross Road Portmahon Road
Herberton Road
Herberton Park
Rialto Street
Rialto Cottages
Haroldville Road
Malin Avenue
Clarke’s TerraceUsually the traffic department require 25% of residents to sign a petition asking for a plebiscite but DCC agreed that if Councillors passed a motion asking for it on certain roads around the NCHP that they would move to do it without the required 25%. Pay and display will still be dependent on 50% of residents voting for it, but the problem will likely move to areas which don't have pay and display as people will still be able to park there all day.
Ceannt Fort is different because the roads not wide enough for pay and display.
Rialto Street James Walk
Rialto Cottages / Court / Street Alliance Group
In response to the Public Plebiscite organised by DCC in the Rialto Street area to introduce Permit Parking a public meeting was called by the Residents Rialto Court Management Company on the 30th April with some 52 residents present. At a follow up meeting the Rialto Cottages / Court / Street Alliance Group was formed and 11 members were formally appointed to liaise with DCC in relation the proposed pay and display measures.
The reality for our neighbourhood is that we are surrounded by extensive and wide public and capital development across the Rialto area. Councillors and the South Central area executive have a responsibility to enter into a community gain and local area plan process with the Alliance and include the wider Rialto area. This would go a long way to securing and conserving our neighbourhood, its architectural fabric and acknowledge our right as citizens of Dublin to a reasonable quality of life.
Residents of St James’s Walk, Rialto Street, Court, Park and Cottages are effectively an island surrounded by the environmental impacts of intense capital development including ; the Regeneration of Dolphin House and Park; the Primary Health Care Centre on the South Circular Road; the NCHG 10 year programme; St James’ ongoing redevelopments; impending relocation of the Coombe Hospital and the proposed redevelopment of Guinness’s and the loss of access to green space in the linear park. As residents we have been more than tolerant of these development including in the last 14 years the installation of the LUAS and regeneration of Fatima Mansions. We experience daily increased noise and dirt from construction, and construction traffic.
All combined repeatedly impacts on local residents’ daily quality of life with no integrated plans or proposals made by DCC on how to manage that with us or improve our public realm through community gain measures. Rialto Street, Cottages and Court are a core part of Dublin’s architectural, social, historical and industrial heritage. That DCC has not committed to a conservation plan for the Rialto area or a local area plan speaks volumes to local residents about how our neighbourhood is viewed and valued. This we believe this attitude was enacted through a pay and display plebiscite with no due process.
- Rialto Court – the Court is not named on the plebiscite. It contains 106 units and has been in existence since 1890. We are all aware that under the current bye laws it is not entitled to permits and an exception has to be made. How does DCC executive and Councillors propose to guarantee formal commitments to residents in the Court on how they can be guaranteed future and present parking permits? Verbal guarantees are not valid on this matter.
- Allocation of permits and categorisation - what exactly is DCC’s calculation for the maximum number of permits it plans to issue for the area Rialto Street, Court and Cottages area?
- Cottages and Street and Park – the draft DCC parking /traffic management plan drawn up on 1/03/2018 currently outlines double yellow lines on all of the cul-de-sacs. Why and for what purpose? It is unclear. Local children (who are residents too) play on the cul-de-sacs within the sight of their families. Residents make and agree their own personal arrangements with their neighbours on how and where they park. This is dismissed in this draft plan. Double yellow lines are viewed by local residents as unacceptable. What is your proposal for Rialto Park residents?
- Carers - many local residents are elderly. Their families express a lot of concern about accessing their parent / family members and home care services access. The current bye laws cite chronic illness. Being elderly is not a chronic illness. The current bye laws are unworkable in this regard. What is the plan by DCC for the management of disability parking areas and carers permits?
- High Demand designation – a 7am to midnight threshold for Mon – Sat /Sun is simply unacceptable for local resident’s right to maintain their daily quality of life.
- Conservation and Environmental issues - the retention of the architectural integrity of the neighbourhood is important to all residents. DCC needs to commit to working with us to maintain the integrity of our neighbourhood as an example of Dublin's industrial, social and architectural housing heritage. This requires more than traffic management plans. The area deserves a comprehensive local area plan rather than small ad hoc measures like changing street signage on the Street, Court, Cottages. This is the only recent contribution made to improve our public realm in the last 20 years apart from speed bumps, very poor quality wheelchair ramp installation on footpaths and street sweeping only on the street side. These are limited short term responses by DCC to our public realm needs and requirements that do not take into account the conservation needs of the area and how pay and display proposals should be a part of that not separate from it.
Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Service
DCC presents all its traffic and parking applications using a Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Service. The TAG system list the action location stage of progress and date action went on system. The describtion of each stage is as follow;
- Stage 1 - Set up file, Assignment to Engineer, etc
- Stage 2 - Assessment, Site surveys, review statutory orders, etc
- Stage 3 - Consultations, with Garda, Dublin Bus, Luas, NTA, Local residents / businesses, etc
- Stage 4 - Decision, TAG group, statutory orders, etc
- Stage 5 - Implementation, signs, lines, construction, signal changes, certifications, etc
The selection of actions are taken from the June 2018 TAG report to tghe South Central Area Committee meeting held on the18th July 2018.
It is difficult to follow any logic in the progression of items for example the first item listed is for a pedestrian crossing along the SCR between Bulfin Rd and Brookfield,this item is at stage 2 and has been listed since August 2015 and the very last item double yellow lines along James Walk , logged in January 2018 and completed and operational by June 2018.
Roadworks Control Units responsible for the control and management of roadworks in the City with a view to minimising their impact on traffic flow and maintaining public safety. HERE The Roadworks Control Unit
Proposed BUS Corridor Mount Brown
The proposed Bus Corridor from Liffey Valley to the city centre due to commence in 2021 is routed down Mount Brown
"Because of constrained width through Mount Brown and Old Kilmainham Road, both bus lanes and traffi c lanes cannot be accommodated. To deliver bus priority along this section of the route, it would be necessary to restrict Mount Brown to public transport, cyclists and local access only. Through traffi c would have to be diverted via the Quays or South Circular Road"
see Liffey Valley City Centre Core Bus Corridor (bus & cycle infrastructure) Route 7
To see the full range of changes go to Bus Connect web site
Resident Images from around the site
Pedestrians and Cyclists
More residents commute by bicycle than by Luas and Dart in Dublin City and Suburbs Here
10% of Dublin City residents who commute now choosing their bicycles HERE
Pedestrians and Cyclists
" For the purpose of this document provisions for pedestrians and cyclists will also include able-bodied pedestrians, wheel-chair users, mobility impaired pedestrians, pushchairs and equestrians if present. It is not always evident that the different categories are likely to be present. At all roadwork sites, where there is existing provision for pedestrians/cyclists, consideration must be given to providing or maintaining facilities or access. and more Here
Excerpt Traffic Sign Manual Ch 8 Temporary Traffic Measures and Signs for Roadworks Department of Transport
HGV and other road users
Due to their size and design, a truck has significant blind spots that present a danger to vulnerable road-users including cyclists. The aim of this video is to highlight the ‘blind spot’ areas around trucks to cyclists and truck drivers and to remind road-users that - "if you can’t see the driver, the driver can’t see you"