The Planning Page has a number of sections please use the menu below to navigate the page.
"What's Happening" 3 Month Work Plan What work is happening when and where on site |
NEW Phase B August 2019 |
Derogations | ||
Parking Enforcement |
Sign up for Site Alert Txt Service More info HERE
PUBLIC NOTICES in regards to Out of Hours Work , or Works that are likely to impact on residents these are now to be found on the CALENDAR page.
Demolition of derelict buildings at Brandon Terrace / Long Lane, Basin Street premises 25th Feb 2021
St James's Hospital is currently demolishing the derelict buildings at its Brandon Terrace / Long Lane, Basin Street premises. These works are underway to create space for modular buildings for urgent hospital use. Please see below a map of the area where the works are underway.
During the initial phase of demolition, asbestos material was found in sections of the derelict building fabric. As a result, and with the safety of nearby residents being paramount, we contacted the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).
Demolition will now continue while an expert team, wearing protective equipment, removes all traces of asbestos from the site under HSA regulation requirements. This expert team will undertake the removal under controlled conditions, while an independent asbestos analyst monitors the perimeter of the site at numerous locations.
As part of the demolition works, sections of the wall facing the boundary of the Canal Way Educate Together National School will be demolished on a Saturday 27th Feb when there is nobody on the premises of the school.
There is no risk to surrounding residents, or members of the public.
Capital Projects , St James’s Hospital
Out of Hours April 2022
Dublin City Council in February of this year gave permission to BAM to complete "quiet" work on site on two nights a week. Enabling materials to be moved around the site and waste removed. The work related to weather proofing the building and fixing the external cladding. The derogations were to 10:00 pm extending the work week by 6 hours.
Just before Easter BAM applied for derogations on site to operate 4 nights a week to 12:00 mid night thereby extending the workweek by some 20 hours. In addition the type of work to be completed is extensive which requires far more workers that the staff light crane work.
BAM did not advise the Monitoring Committee of this change and informed residents directly impacted by the new development on the Friday before the new working hours came into play.
DCC planning and enforcement are aware that there is a local monitoring committee in operation on this site, that has been in operation for many years that includes it's staff and councillors, BAM ignored this structure as did Planning and Enforcement thereby undermining local structures established that all the stakeholders were working. BAM's request should have been referred to the RMC prior to going to Planning and Enforcement .
Out of Hours November 2019
Following the latest Monitoring Committee meeting (Sept 12th 2019)there was a follow up meeting regarding working hours at the site and the following was agreed.
1. Residents, particularly around Brookfield, Cameron Sq and O’Reilly Ave, but also on SCR have suffered regular disturbance by the 6am starts 3 times a week as permitted by existing DCC concrete pour derogations.
2. BAM conducted a late-night working test - last Thurs in August - with permission from DCC, conducting “quiet” works - mostly use of tower cranes to move equipment and set columns and walls in place for fitting the next day. No complaints were received although several residents did note that work was being conducted.
Test Plan
BAM have agreed to suspend 6:00am starts to TEST late night “quiet working.” The agreed Test will take place over two periods of time, the first period SET UP will operate next week and following a review, the TEST proper will operate for a further 4 weeks. At which point it will be reviewed.
The SET UP week will begin on Monday 23rd of September, all work commences at 7am. Workers can access site before 7:00 to gear up but not machinery is permitted to begin operations until 7:00 am. Late night working will operate on the “Derogation Days” of Monday, Wednesday and Friday to facilitate concrete pours.
The set up week also requires BAM to communicate with perimeter houses of the working hours prior to commencement and the installation of additional noise monitors in the Northern and Southern sites to access actual noise levels of “quite work” and to adjust lighting on site to limit light pollution.
The “quiet work” is divided between the southern and northern sites.
- Monday 23rd will consist of one night until midnight on the “Southern section”, the area behind the fingers on the SCR, from the Linear Park through to the old through road.
- Wednesday 25th quiet work until midnight on the “Northern section”, the area between Cameron Sq and O’Reilly Ave.
- Friday until 9pm on the Northern section.
The second period is the TEST proper and will operate from Wednesday the 2nd of October through to Friday 25th of October.
RAG intend conducting a survey of all perimeter houses during the TEST phase to access impacts, issues and concerns and this will inform any further decision s in terms of late-night work.
Additional Information.
Derogation or extended hours are granted for exceptional circumstances,
“Protocols for Derogation within Dublin City Councils Administrative Area”
DCC conditions for granting derogations to NCH
NEW DCC Protocols for granting Derogations to BAM/NCH
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James St/ Mount Brown October 8th The partial demolition of the old CRIC building (i.e. Child Research Innovation Centre) onS t. James’s Hospital Campus, and removal of the top rows of brick from the CRIC boundary façade wall facing onto James’s Street. |
Site Jan 2021 view from MountBrown
Where NCH Site is now. December 2020
The NCH site is due to close on the 18th of December and to re open 4th of January 2021. In spite of the extended closure due to co vid considerable progress has been made on the on the site and the frame of the hospital is clearly visible for all to see and is due for completion by St Patrick's Day and from then on most of the work will focused inside the structure fitting out for completion.
Many of the windows along the southern and western fingers is being installed and the external cladding is visible which will enable the external scaffolding to begin to be removed early int he new year.
The new entrance opposite the arrow head at the Gate 3 will become operational in the New Year meaning that all deliveries will now take place on site rather than on periphery of the site which has been the case to date. This should bring relief to residents along Brookfield and Cameron Sq who have to date been on the"front line" of the construction along with their neighbours in Oreill Avenue on the other side of the site.
Autumn 2020 aerial photo of site from the Rialto side, shows the complete frame and it' complete height with additional pours due on the red and orange rectangles in the middle and along the eastern side of the site.
Below is an image from the Summer taken from the James's hospital side and much of the floors in the centre front have now being completed.
time lapse video site November 2016 - November 2019
WHAT'S HAPPENING Feb - Summer 2020
The coming months will see the workforce increase from the current level of 850 workers to over 1500 by the Summer. Most of the additional workers will be sub-contractors beginning to work on the inside of the building.
The NCH site is made up of a number of different sites, all at different stages of development. Currently limited excavation is occurring to facilitate the connecting of the northern site with the southern site. The final amount of piling is due to occur during the Summer where the new road joins the old road at the eastern side of the site. Finally, the last of the excavation will see 5000 cubic meters of earth being excavated from the Rialto Gate, this is also due to occur in the Summer.
download image here
Concrete lorries will continue to be a feature of the works over the coming quarter when floors continue to be poured and precast walls are slotted into place. BAM are receiving derogations for three nights a week to facilitate this work;
The final phase of development is commencing on the south side of the site looking onto SCR. The 1st phase building work here is complete and windows are now due to be installed and the internal services and structures will commence, this “inside” work should be less invasive on perimeter houses.
The Mount Brown gate is going to come more into play as all fitting-out materials and equipment will access the site through this gate.
To date lorries need to reverse in or out of this gate due to restrictive space inside, the completion of the power station should see the pressure on space ease and we have been assured by BAM that lorries will no longer need to reverse in or out
What's happening Sept - Dec 2019
CHANGE OF PLAN The excavation of the old road/ middle section of the site was meant to take 8 weeks starting in September and all the access was through the Rialto gate and that a wheel wash would not be in operation……….. well that has changed
A significant amount of work planned to be completed during the previous phase has not been completed and is carried over into this phase. Most notably the new road ( to be opened in early September) and the excavation of the middle of the site. The McGuire lorries will return to the road in mid September and will continue for a planned period of 8 weeks, in addition to the high volume of concrete lorries delivering, this will result in the largest volume of trucks on the road to date.
- The vast majority of transport to and from the site is coming through the Rialto entrance (contrary to planning approval) and the impact of this can be seen in noise levels exceeding agreed planning levels, (see noise monitoring report for July here )with access starting before 6:00 am with workers arriving on a number of mornings each week.
- Residents are still waiting for the erection of digital speed sign along the SCR which was agreed several months ago and still has not been erected and yet we are moving into a period when lorries moving n the site will more than double in the coming months..
- The New Road will present particular problems to the much beleaguered residents of O Reilly Avenue. Among the hardship they have had to endure during this build is damage to their houses, the removal of their back walls, currently a metal fence separate their gardens from the site, in September the “site” will be replaced by the public road with double decker buses passing by. This will impact on Cameron Sq residents backed on to the site as well.
- This final excavation phase will again expose residents to concerns about dirt and dust that has been associated with all excavation work to date. The amount of dirt will require the McGuire lorries back on the road for 8 weeks putting pressure on the area. Dirt and Dust were the issues that animated respondents to the RAG survey and the impact was experienced throughout the adjacent communities, See survey
- BAM have in place wheel wash programme and other mitigation activities to combat the dirt and dust such as window cleaning, street washing and water damping the site as well as car washing. However due to the size constraint within the site the wheel wash for this phase will not be through a wheel wash as before but will rely on workers using a manual lance to wash wheels and under carriage of lorries before they exit.. The effectiveness of this different approach is yet to be seen and we expect BAM to honour its commitment to ensure all lorries leaving the site will be photographed.
The image below outlines the work occurring over the next 4 months up the end of December.
WHAT'S HAPPENING April - August 2019
The image below outlines the work occurring over the next 5 months up the end of August.
A significant amount of work is due to be completed over the next 5 months which will also see the return of the McGuire excavation lorries for a period. We expect to experience better controls by BAM over the impact of their work on residents living adjacent to the site.
The NCH site is not a single site, the scale of the project means that that there are a number of sites in operation at any one time. The site is divided into two locations at present the north and the South abutting the Luas line.
The south site is more advanced where work is currently at ground level and the north site is currently pouring the lower levels.
During this phase in addition to completion of the below ground work there are two other distinct pieces of work to be completed , the laying of the new and permanent road around the inside of the north site and the excavation of the current road. All this work is planned to be completed by the end of the Summer.
The work to be done on the north site is illustrated below, with the green new road looping around the back of Cameron Square and back around the back of O’Reilly Ave until it re-joins the current road. A substantial amount of the work has already been completed
The opening of the new road will enable BAM to remove the current road RED and excavate the final “hole” which will connect the sites on the north and the south side.
The excavation will take approximately 6 weeks and sees the relatively small amount of earth left for excavation removed but it is approximately 5000 cubic meters, a very substantial amount of earth.
The final distinct activity during this phase is that by the end of the Summer is that the hospital will be visible at the SCR Rialto end to a height of 4 stories.
The concrete pour has become a feature of the site work and will continue into the future, A concrete pour means a 6:00 am start running through to 1:00 am the following morning, maintained by a constant flow of Concrete lorries along the SCR..
Each one of these phases poses particular challenges for residents living adjacent to the site.
- The New Road will present particular problems to the much beleaguered residents of O Reilly Avenue. Among the hardship they have had to endure during this build is the removal of their back walls, currently a metal fence separate their gardens from the site, in June the “site” will be replaced by the public road with double decker buses passing by.
- This final excavation phase will again expose residents to concerns about dirt and dust that has been associated with all excavation work .The amount of dirt will require the McGuire lorries back on the road for 6 weeks putting pressure on the area. Dirt and Dust was the issues which most animated respondents to the RAG survey and the impact was experienced throughout the adjacent communities, See survey
- BAM have in place wheel wash programme and other mitigation activities to combat the dirt and dust such as window cleaning, street washing and watering damping the site as well as car washing. There effectiveness to date is highly questionable however BAM has revamped its wheel wash regime and below is outlined the number of wheel wash facilities to be available with all areas being concreted and all lorries exiting the site will be photographed.
We are still awaiting an update for 2019 received April no activities Jan-March
we missed August and September............................ to the south of the site pouring concrete and building the floors is the order of this qrt and it will continue to be facilitated by DCC granting permission to extend working hours to facilitate completion of pours.
The north of the site has seen the MountBrown entrance open and the preparation work continues with piling and anchoring being carried out throughout October and November.
There is no information as to activities in this area for December as yet.
The three month update is here for download
Information in relation to pedestrian safety and use of Mount Brown needs to be clarified given the volume of lorries entering and exiting the site there is real concern in relation to pedestrians who use this footpath.
(Picture "Pedestrian and Buggy" 2nd Oct 18 at Mount Brown Entrance. )
The Rialto entrance will be realigned and is due to become operational in October. There are lorries leaving the site without their wheels being washed and this continues in contravention of the EIS planning permission
WHAT'S HAPPENING May - July 2018 updated
The excavation work is coming to an end and the construction proper is commencing which will not necessarily see a reduction in the number of lorries along the SCR and SUIR Rd, the new phase will see cement lorries taking up the slack.
The main impacts on residents will continue to be perimeter works in the form of piling and capping. The residents Alliance Group have agreement that weekly updates will be available as to where the capping and piling are occurring so residents can be advised.
The Impact areas for Residents.
- Piling is continuing in three areas, at SCR Gate in Brookfield, Mount Brown and at the back of O Reilly Avenue.
- Capping is due to continue on SCR, down by the Luas Stop and Around Cameron Sq.
Both types of work generate noise and dust and residents will receive information on relevant work location prior to the commencement of work.
Upcoming Works August/September 18
Opening of the Mountbrown Entrance to the Site
The rear entrance to the hospital site will begin over the coming days and the entrance will become fully operational in late September 2018, for more information click here
CRIC Building
The partial demolition of the old CRIC building (i.e. Child Research Innovation Centre) on St. James’s Hospital Campus more information here
Weekend Work and Out of Hours Work
Weekend work and Out of Hours work will occur between 14th July - 18th July, this is to facilitate the pouring of concrete work could continue until 10:00 pm more information HERE This notification also includes the planned work impacting on SCR and Brookfield over the coming weeks.
To end of July, upcoming work to the rear of O Reilly Avenue is available HERE
St. John’s Terrace from Old Kilmainham Rd / Mount Brown
Work to the rear of St Johns Terrace to commence in the last week of July and to last for 4-5 days. More information HERE
Weekend Work 23rd June
Richard Nolan Civil Engineering are starting investigation works for ESB starting this Saturday 23rd June 2018 for a number of weeks. For more information and the a route map click here
Weekend Work 16th June
The final works associated with the steam pipes in the Energy Centre to complete the changeover of the pipes in the new Utility Tunnel. As the working hours are outside normal working hours BAM has applied for and been granted permission by Dublin City Council to work the extra hours of 4pm on Saturday 16th June to 4am on Sunday 17th June 2018. More information here
Advance Notice of works due June '18
BAM agreed at the April Residents Project Monitoring Committee to provide advance notice of works taking place that will impact on residents and have issued two such notices at the start of June, works around the South Circular Road here and works at the back of OReilly Avenue here
Planning Application for temporary CAR Park Brookfield May'18
An application was lodged by Brookfield Property Ltd with Dublin City Council for planning permission for a 75 place temporary car park in the old print works on Brookfield. The application was made in January and permission was contingent on the NCH and/or BAM requesting the additional spaces. Neither NCH or BAM were informed of the application prior to it being made and it appears the application is opportunistic. Obviously there are points in favour of increasing the local parking capacity and there are obvious counter points to the development such as the volume of cars accessing and exiting the facility at the same time into a one way system that exits onto Mountbrown. See application documentation here
Cameron Square Steps to Mountbrown May '18
8th May Notification of work to be undertaken on steps between Cameron Sq and Mountbrown. Here
New Entrance at Rear of Hospital
A new temporary entrance is being installed to the back of the hospital and comes into operation on the 9th of April and will continue for some four months. Pedestrian access to the hospital will be curtailed with only one footpath in operation and it follow the blue dotted line on the picture to the right. Pedestrians going to and from Rialto Bridge will have to cross the road at two new pedestrian crossings one at the MACE shop and one further down Brookfield Road. In addition at least four car parking spaces have been removed from Brookfield for the duration. Read BAM Notification HERE |
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Public Notices January to March
Demolition Work Brookfield and Cameron Sq Week 20th of March (Here)
The clearance of the Private Clinics to left of the the Rialto Gate behind Brookfield and Cameron is to take place the week of the 20th of March.
The narrowing of Linear Park Footpath entrance at Rialto Bridge
At the February meeting of the Residents Monitoring Committee, the NCH confirmed that the hoarding at the top of the newly re laid footpath has temporarily encroached on the footpath to facilitate some pipe work behind the hoarding. At present there is no date for the restoration of the hoarding to its correct position.
Linear Park Footpath from Rialto Bridge to Rialto Luas stop closed February 8th - 9th
In order to facilitate the resurfacing / blacktopping of Linear Park footpath, the footpath between Rialto Luas Stop and Rialto Bridge will be closed from 9.30am tomorrow morning until Friday evening at 5pm. Signs to notify pedestrians have been erected. During daytime hours two banksmen will be positioned on Rialto bridge (one at the footpath entrance and one the other side of the bridge to safely divert pedestrians to the James’s Walk footpath) and a banksman at Rialto Luas Stop. During night-time hours, there will be one banksman at the bridge and one at the Luas stop.
Additional Info HERE
Rialto Gate Early morning Load 17th January Here
WHAT'S HAPPENING January - March 2018
The current work plan is a roll over of the previous 3 month plan, some of the previously planned activities are carried over given the scale of work involved while others did not take place.
The Impact areas for Residents.
- The excavation and piling is due to continue and will continue to generate lorry loads of earth being transported down the SCR.
- Cameron Square, Mount Brown and James Walk appear to be the focus for piling this quarter.
- Road re alignment ; the SCR entrance to St James is to be moved and this will undoubtedly cause some disruption, what this involves we are unaware at this point.
Piling: The entire site is to be ringed with concrete piles sunk to support the structure of the new building for more information on piling and the piling process check Here
Traffic Excavation work along with the piling constitutes the main part of the site work over the coming quarter. Residents particularly in the SCR area are aware of the impact that this is having not just in the number of lorry movements but the dirt that is left in their trail, covering cars windows footpaths with dirt that is also being walked into homes and shops in the area. (see update on Pay and Display Here)
It is three months since the excavation work started in earnest and BAM do not seem to be able to come up with a means for removing waste from the site without covering their neighbours in dirt.
Noise Vibration/ Dust
Demolition Private Clinic back of Cameron Sq commencing wk 27th Nov Here
Early Morning Delivery 29th Nov Here
Temporary closure of Linear Park Footpath Nov 20th -Dec 1st 2017
The Linear Park footpath, between Rialto Bridge and Rialto Luas Stop, will be closed to pedestrians for 10 days from
Nov 20th – Dec 1st Monday to Friday 7am – 7pm. During these dates and times, Traffic Marshals will be at both locations to
divert pedestrians onto the southern footpath of James’s Walk and back onto Linear Park footpath at Rialto Luas crossing.
More information here
Please note that this permission was extended to the 18th of December although it was also closed on the 20th of December without notification and part of the Linear park is closed Jan 16th - Jan 19th again with no notification.
Out of Hours Work
- Late Night Working Dec 7th Back of O'Reilly Avenue notice here
- Abnormal Loads: Monday 23rd night and early Tuesday morning 24th at rear entrance SCR see notification here
- Abnormal Loads: 5:30am start Friday 19th Oct rear entrance SCR see notification here
- Abnormal Loads: Sunday night 22nd and early Monday 23rd at rear entrance SCR see notification here
- OReilly Avenue: there will be no out of hours work at the rear of ORA this Saturday the 21st of October
- OReilly Ave, 7th 14th and 21st October DCC have granted BAM an out of hours permit to work on the following three Saturdays between 6:am and 8:am when their agreed time starts and again from the end of the agreed time at 2:00 pm to 11:30 pm. More information Here
- O'Reilly Avenue 29th September, and possibly for following three Saturdays work might need to over run the Saturday finish time of 2:00pm to facilitate works. DCC have granted planning permission for more information on the proposed work HERE
- 12th September Arrival of piling rigs at 6:00 am at Rialto Gate Wednesday and Thursday Here
- September the 5th Linear Park: St James Hospital have agreed to allow BAM continue to use the compound area used by BAM in the construction of the MISA Hospital beside the Fatima Luas Stop. The new compound area hoarding will connect with the NCH hoarding towards the Rialto Luas stop and will extend the hoarding into the existing park area. See BAM announcement of works HERE
Previous Plan September - December 2017
What does this photo mean ;
A point worth noting
"Utility work outside the site completed by public utilities do not form part of the NCH EIS or planning permission. They are expressly exempt from planning requirements as public utilities and are not under NPHDB direct management or coordination. They do have to meet criteria set by local council as part of permit and licence applications and the relevant public utility, in this case EIR, are responsible for the management and coordination of the works".
- Green Demolition Adjacent Brookfield and Cameron Square. Remaining building currently being used as a site office to be demolished in November and offices to be relocated to new compound being constructed in Linear Park.
- Blue Bands The Blue banded area are areas where excavation and leveling of ground is to occur to build piling platforms to be created to enable the piling rigs to work. This work is commenced in late August and will continue through to the end of the year. Currently (September 7th ) there are 120 lorry loads leaving the site daily meaning that there are 240 HVG lorries up and down SCR , this work will continue at an increasing level in coming months, see Traffic .
- White Lines with GREY DOTS The white lines and the grey dots denote the areas where piling is to occur. The first area for piling is in the north east of site at the back of OReilly Ave starting the week of 11th September and will last for three weeks, but piling is going to very evident over the coming months around the whole site.
- Orange Rectangles The Bulk excavation was due to start in July but is starting now, this activity is on-going to the end of the year and will see the HGV movement at its highest. see Traffic .
Activity June to September 2017
- OReilly Avenue : Hoarding is being erected this week at the back of OReilly Avenue to afford greater security to residents.More information here Here
- Additional information about impending work to the rear of OReilly Avenue HERE
- Update for work commencing week of 24th July OReilly Avenue HERE
- Moving of an AMS Monitor at the rear of ORA 3rd August 2017 HERE
"Judge wants mediation for residents who claim their houses were damaged by children's hospital works" Weds 26th July 2017 HERE
"Residents who claimed their properties were damaged by children's hospital construction settle case" 28th July 2017 HERE
Construction Management Plan (CMP)
The Construction Management Plan for the New Children's Hospital needs to be lodges with DCC Planning Enforcement to ensure that all planning requirement are complied with.
The Construction management plan submitted by BAM is in two phases,this does not include the Enabling Work Phase which prepared the site. Phase A cover the construction of the Basements and Phase B , the construction of the NCH . The quality of the print in t he PDF is poor.
Lodged with DCC Planning
Phase A - Basement
July 2017
Update Phase A
Phase B
2019 Feb
Phase B
Aug 2019
Construction Management Plan Here Phase B Phase B Appendix a Construction Stage Safety and Health Plan Here here Appendix b
Environmental Management PLAN Part 1 Part 2 B 1 and B2 here Appendix c Waste Management Plan Here here here Appendix d Dust Minimisation Plan Here here here Appendix e Noise and Vibration Management Plan Here here here Appendix f Vermin Control Plan Here here here Appendix g Contractors Mobility Management Plan Here here here Appendix h Traffic Management Plan Here here here Appendix i Central Access and Road Layout Here here here Appendix j Phase A 8Month Programme Here here here Appendix k Survey and Monitoring Movement Plan Here here ZIP Appendix l here Appendix M Here Full Plan Documentation in zip Oct 2018 here Feb 2019 here CMP Original Plan 2015 Here Other Planning reports
NCH Planning Site
All relevant documents relating to the original NCH planning application are available on line HERE
See A Guide to Planning Enforcement in Ireland , Dept of the Environment, Community and Local Government 2012
Planning enforcement and control became more streamlined in 2002 with the introduction of Part VIII of the Planning and Development Act 2000. This legislation sets time limits within which complaints of planning infringements must be investigated. It establishes a common procedure for all type of planning offence – issue of a Warning Letter, service of an Enforcement Notice and institution of legal proceedings.
- The Warning Letter, which must be served within six weeks of receiving the complaint, allows a developer up to four weeks to rectify the offence or to make a submission.
- Regard must be had to any submission received when deciding whether or not to serve an Enforcement Notice. An Enforcement Notice sets out the requirements of the Council to rectify the offence and also contains a timeframe within which the work must be completed. Non compliance with an Enforcement Notice is an offence.
- Should any person served with an Enforcement Notice fail to comply with its requirements, the Council may institute legal proceedings in the District Court.
In urgent cases, the Council may alternatively apply to the Circuit or High Court for an Order directing that particular actions take place or cease, as the case may be.
The making of a planning application for retention of an unauthorised development is no longer a reason to delay/suspend the taking of enforcement action by the Council.
Dublin City Council
Area Planning Enforcement Officer Officer; Neil Cameron Ph 01-2223534
Planning Enforcement Manager John Downey Ph: 01 2223465
Planning Decisions Administrative Officer Greg Bryan PH 01 2223108 |M: 087 7788832 |
Planning Registry & Decisions |Planning & Property Development Department |
Dublin City Council|Block 4 Floor 3| Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 .
The purpose of a Parking Enforcement Service is to ensure the free movement of
people and all modes of transport through and around the city.
A Parking Enforcement Service also serves in ensuring that motorists park in
compliance with their environs and the city as a whole, and, in high demand areas
parking is available by eliminating overstaying.
Parking Efficiencies
Dublin City Council currently has 28,500 car parking spaces and 1,100 Parking Meters under
In addition to managing the P&D / Permit Parking areas, Dublin City Council also ensures that Bus
Lanes, Cycle Lanes, Clearways, Loading Bays, and pedestrian areas are kept free of vehicular parking.
In 2019, so far, DSPS have carried out over 5,000 independent Quality Checks on the service and the
environs its operates in. This has resulted in 205 real time interventions which works to improve the
service for the operators and customers.
Operation Enable (enforcement of the misuse of Disabled Badges) was carried out in conjunction
with DCC, DSPS, and An Garda Siochana to great success and has been adopted in other Local
Authority areas around Ireland and Europe.
Continued engagement with all stakeholders involved in Major Event Planning and operation to
ensure events such as the Dublin City Marathon and St. Patricks Day Festival are held with minimal
- see full outline Parking Enforcement
- see speed limits
- see Parking zones Map
- Bye laws 2019
- Bye Laws 2020
Residential parking permits applications for Dublin City The Parking Permit system is managed by the Roads and Traffic Division. The Division issues residential and visitor parking for applicants meeting the residential requirements on affected streets within Dublin City Council boundaries.
Residential Parking permits for Dublin City Council Area - DCC_Liveparkingpermits_P20111003-1733.csv -
Start a Parking Scheme | Dublin City Council
On referral to the Transport Advisory Group, the request will be examined in accordance with the following guidelines:
- Suitability of the road for a Pay and Display and Permit Parking Scheme.
- That the road is mainly residential where in excess of 80% of available on-street parking is normally occupied on inspection during business hours.
- A proposed Parking Scheme will be subject to a plebiscite of the residents concerned listed on the Register of Electors.
- The road must have a minimum width of 6.5 metres for two-sided parking and a minimum width of 4.6 metres for one-sided parking to allow access for emergency services and refuse collection. Please note that these are minimum dimensions which only provide for one lane of traffic and are only suitable for roads with low traffic volumes.
Criteria for the introduction of a Pay and Display and Permit Parking Scheme | Dublin City Council
Contact Ph 2222017
A derogation is permission given to a builder to carry out construction outside of the hours origianllly granted. Derogation are a normal part of construction and come into play when exceptional activity is required that cannot be completed during normal hours. Typically large scale concrete pours maynot be finished during normal hours particulalry the "power floating" element of the pour whereby air is removed from poured concrete.
Specific guidelines for granting derogations to BAM on the New Children's Hospital HERE. (These protocols are currently being reviewed)
Check Out all Derogations granted by DCC to BAM NCH Site HERE
Derogations during covid19 18th January 2021
"As you are aware the National Children’s Hospital development has been deemed by Government as an essential health project and as such is exempt from the general closure requirements applied to construction sites under the recently enhanced Level 5 Covid restrictions. The City Council cannot therefore require that works stop on site, nor can we ban derogations for works that cannot reasonably be carried out during standard working hours, as to do so would hamper progress on the site to such an extent that the development would potentially come to a standstill or its delivery timeline extended.
The derogations that will be considered during Level 5 restrictions will in the main be for concrete pours and associated power floating. These works are considered to be reasonably quiet works requiring a small number of personnel on site after 7pm operating power floats.
A maximum of 2 of these derogations per week may be issued while Level 5 Covid restrictions are in place in the area. Unfortunately unforeseen emergencies arise from time to time in building projects of this scale and complexity so it may be necessary to permit works out of hours to resolve such issues. In both cases BAM have been instructed that local residents are to be informed through the agreed mechanisms of any extensions of standard working hours and the reasons for such extensions."
Richard Shakespeare | Assistant Chief Executive| Dublin City Council, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Ireland
Unauthorised developments typically include:
- Where planning permission was required but not obtained.
- Where a development was not finished in accordance with the conditions or planning permission that was approved for it.
- Where a development does not comply with the conditions that allow it to be excluded from planning permission, e.g. a boundary wall constructed to a height in excess of 1.2m to the front of a property, or 2m to the side or rear.
DCC Construction and Demolition Protocols to apply in Dublin City HERE
See Monitoring for the the monitoring regime in place for the New Children's Hospital and access to Noise Vibration and Dust Reports..
Certain activities on construction sites are noisy and dusty. Although some noise and dust is unavoidable, it can often be controlled using improved work practices. The DCC Customers Service Section can investigate a noise nuisance caused by construction sites. The objective of our investigation is to determine compliance with the principles of best practice with regard to the minimisation of noise from the site.
The guidelines are made based on the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 (Noise) Regulations 1994.
The permissible hours of operation of a building site within Dublin City Council are;
Monday to Friday 08.00 – 19.00
Saturday 08.00 – 13.00
Sundays and Public Holidays No activities shall take place on site.
Please Note BAM's Working hours
Monday to Friday 07.00 – 19.00
Saturday 08.00 – 14.00
The hours of operation of a development are often specifically conditioned at the planning permission stage.
You can search for a planning derogations granted by DCC to BAM NCH : HERE
In the event that a planning condition has not been applied regarding hours of operation, the Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Control Unit will deal with the complaint.
To complain about a construction site causing noise contact Customer Services at the address below.
Dublin City Council
Customer Service Centre
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8.
Tel: (01) 222 2222 (0900-1700, Monday to Friday)
Fax: (01) 222 5807
On occasion when work must be carried on outside daytime hours, local residents and businesses in areas which are likely to be affected by noise from the proposed works should be notified in advance
Brookfield Properties Ltd Application Temporary Car Park
The documentation relating to the application for a temporary car park to service BAM construction staff and NCH staff.
A site map here
Application here
Application held up pending additional information.
Planning officer here
Planning Office here
Roads and Traffic here
Engineering and Drainage here