Noise is an underestimated threat that can cause a number of short- and long-term health problems, such as for example sleep disturbance, cardiovascular effects, poorer work and school performance, hearing impairment, etc.
Noise has emerged as a leading environmental nuisance in the WHO European Region, and the public complains about excessive noise more and more often.
Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region (2018) here
Noise is an important public health issue. It has negative impacts on human health and well-being and is a growing concern. The WHO Regional Office for Europe has developed these guidelines, based on the growing understanding of these health impacts of exposure to environmental noise. The main purpose of these guidelines is to provide recommendations for protecting human health from exposure to environmental noise,they provide robust public health advice underpinned by evidence, which is essential to drive policy action that will protect communities from the adverse effects of noise.
Noise Monitoring. New Children’s Hospital
How is noise measured Atkins 2021 Here
The Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that was part of the project Planning Permission established a noise limit at residential dwellings of 70dB LAeq1hr.
Site operations are monitored using a traffic light trigger system of Green, Amber and Red trigger levels with the Red trigger level set at the noise limit set out in the project EIS (70 dB LAeq1hr.). Any noise level recorded below Red levels is acceptable within the limits established in Planning.
Number of Noise Monitors on Site: up to 16 active monitors at the site boundaries.During the report period noise monitors have been placed at the ‘closest part of sensitive property’ as per the Project EIS where this has been feasible, or alternatively to the outside face of the site hoarding. When works are ongoing the noise monitor sensors run continuously and readings are recorded in decibels (dB) LAeq1hr. Decibels is the standard unit of measurement of sound energy and ‘LAeq1hr’ means that sensors record all levels of sound over a 1 hour period and then calculate an average equivalent decibel level as if the sound was continuous. Isolated instantaneous loud noises are thus averaged out.
It appears that the original Planning underestimated noise levels and what is particularly worrying is that in the origial Plan, cocrete pouring was the noiest element of work to be undertaken.
Noise levels and location within and around the site
EIS Chapter on Noise and Vibrations here
Noise Maps
Under EU Directive 2002/49/EC transposed by SI number 140 of 2006, Environmental Noise Regulations 2006, the four local authorities, within Dublin (Dublin City Council, Fingal, Dun Laoire Rathdown and South Dublin County Councils), are required to produce ‘Maps’ for noise emanating from major Industry and transport. This Directive was implemented on foot of an EU Green Paper on ‘Future Noise Policy’, which highlighted the need for a high level of health and environmental protection against noise. In the Green Paper, the Commission addressed noise in the environment as one of the main environmental problems in Europe.
Source maps on line DCC Noise Maps and Action Plans
other Noise related Dublin City Council Offices
Noise Pollution Complaints
The Environmental Health Officers in the Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Control Web Site
What We Do
The Environmental Health Officers in the Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Control Unit deal with noise complaints from members of the public. These mainly relate to complaints about commercial enterprises operating within Dublin City Council’s functional area.
We also carry out monitoring at various outdoor music events within the city, and report these results as required.
We work on an advisory and regulatory basis with a number of other departments within Dublin City Council.
For more information
Dublin City Council
Customer Service Centre
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8.
Tel: (01) 222 2222 (0900-1700, Monday to Friday)
Fax: (01) 222 5807
National Protocol for Dealing with Noise Complaints for Local Authorities
Construction site causing noise
DCC investigate complaints regarding noise nuisance caused by construction sites. Construction sites, by their very nature, can create a great deal of noise, with some activities e.g. pile driving, causing particular disturbance. The aim of our investigation is to determine compliance with the principles of best practice with regard to the minimisation of noise from the site.
Construction site work starting early in morning or continuing late into the evening:
The permissible hours of operation of a building site within Dublin City are;
Monday to Friday 07.00 – 18.00
Saturday 08.00 – 14.00
Sundays and Public Holidays No noisy work on site.
These hours are often specifically conditioned at the planning permission stage, and therefore are enforced by the Planning Enforcement Section of Dublin City Council. You can search for a Planning Application here. In the event that a planning condition has not been applied regarding hours of operation, the Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Control Unit will deal with the complaint.
To Check out
Noise Pollution Isn’t Just Annoying — It’s Bad for Your Health
In urban areas, noise is unavoidable. Chronic noise keeps the body’s stress response system constantly activated, contributing to mood disturbances and poor cardiovascular health. As the city-dwelling population is expected to grow in the next few decades, more and more people may experience the harmful consequences of noise pollution
The Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health
The Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health curates and creates research and dialogue to inspire, motivate and empower policymakers and urban practitioners to build mental health into their projects for a healthier, happier urban future.
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